Duoqian Miao's Publications on Text Mining and NLP
Recent Papers
- Yuebing Zhang,Zhifei Zhang,Duoqian Miao,Jiaqi Wang.Three-way enhanced convolutional neural networks for sentence-level sentiment classification.Information Sciences,2019,477:55–64.
- Yuebing Zhang,Duoqian Miao,Jiaqi Wang,Zhifei Zhang.A cost-sensitive three-way combination technique for ensemble learning in sentiment classification.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,2019,105:85–97.
Chinese Papers
- Zhifei Zhang,Duoqian Miao,Jianyun Nie,Xiaodong Yue.Sentiment uncertainty measure and classification of negative sentences.Journal of Computer Research and Development,2015,52(8):1806-1816
- Zhao Han,Duoqian Miao,Fuji Ren,Hongyun Zhang.Rough set knowledge discovery based open domain Chinese question answering retrieval.Journal of Computer Rsearch and Development,2018,55:958-967.
English Papers
- Zhao Han,Fuji Ren,Duoqian Miao.A synthetic and computational language model for interactive dialogue system.ECDM 2015,73-80.
- Zhifei Zhang,Duoqian Miao,Bo Yuan.Context-dependent sentiment classification using antonym pairs and double expansion.WAIM 2014,711–722.
- Xin Cheng,Duoqian Miao,Can Wang,Longbing Cao.Coupled term-term relation analysis for document clustering.Proc.IJCNN 2013,1-8.
- Xin Cheng,Duoqian Miao,Lei Wang.A statistics-based semantic relation analysis approach for document clustering.RSKT 2014,332–342.
- Duoqian Miao,Qiguo Duan,Hongyun Zhang,Na Jiao.Rough set based hybrid algorithm for text classification.Expert Systems with Applications,2009,36(5):8932-8937.
- Xin Cheng,Duoqian Miao,Can Wang.A link-based approach to semantic relation analysis.Neurocomputing,2015,154:127-138.
- Wen Li,Duoqian Miao,Weili Wang.Two-level hierarchical combination method for text classification.Expert Systems with Applications,2011,38(3):2030-2039.
- Zhao Han,Fuji Ren,Duoqian Miao.Sentiment analysis method based on an improved modifying-matrix language model.IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2018,13(10):1446-1453.
- Lei Wang,Fuji Ren,Duoqian Miao.Multi-label emotion recognition of weblog sentence based on Bayesian networks.IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2016,11(2):178-184.
- Feng Li,Duoqian Miao,Witold Pedcryz.Granular multi-label feature selection based on mutual information.Pattern Recognition,2017,67:410-423.
- Changming Zhu,Duoqian Miao.Semi-supervised one-pass multi-view learning with variable features and views.Neural Processing Letters,2019.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-019-10037-5
- Yuebing Zhang,Zhifei Zhang,Duoqian Miao,Jiaqi Wang.Three-way enhanced convolutional neural networks for sentence-level sentiment classification.Information Sciences,2019,477:55–64.
- Yuebing Zhang,Duoqian Miao,Jiaqi Wang,Zhifei Zhang.A cost-sensitive three-way combination technique for ensemble learning in sentiment classification.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,2019,105:85–97.
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